Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
12/2/2021 - 6:30 PM  
New Business and Reports to the Board  
2022-2024 Academic Calendars  
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 1: Systemic Alignment
ACPS will build a culture of continuous improvement and design equitable systems for school and instructional improvement.
Goal 2: Instructional Excellence
ACPS will ensure that all students have access to and engagement with high-quality instruction.
Goal 3: Student Accessibility and Support
ACPS will ensure students have equitable access to and engagement with programs and supports that reduce barriers to learning.
Goal 4: Strategic Resource Allocation
ACPS will strategically provide differentiated resources and supports to schools and departments.
Goal 5: Family and Community Engagement
ACPS will ensure that all families and community members feel welcomed, respected, and valued.
IC/ID - School Year / School Day  
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable):
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary:
The Academic Calendar Planning Committee would like to inform the School Board of its proposed 2022–2024 draft calendars. The 2021 -2022 academic calendars were used as the starting point for discussions with the Calendar Committee. The proposed 2022–2024 draft calendars are inclusive in recognition of equity of religious holidays and continue the pre-Labor Day start as implemented in the 2021–2022 academic calendar. The draft calendars were posted online to solicit feedback from ACPS staff, parents and members of the community. To support our diverse community, the online feedback poll was made available in Spanish, Arabic, Amharic and English.

The proposed 2022 - 2024 School Year Calendars include:
• A two-year calendar cycle to support long-range plans for school programs, facilities projects and operational services. Likewise, to allow families to better plan and schedule family activities
• Pre-Labor Day start to the school year to support student success and reduce summer learning loss while providing the most classroom time before Advanced Placement (AP) exam testing
• Recognition of diverse holidays in alignment with the 2020-25 Strategic Plan “Equity for All 2025” - Including racial equity in the designated holidays for students and staff
• Whole conference days for Fall and two half-day conference days for Spring with differing conference dates for Elementary School, Middle School and High School
• Four early release days for high school at the end of year to accommodate testing.
• More than the minimum 990 instructional hours to support unexpected closing (such as snow days)
• 8 Professional development days
• 195 Teacher days to meet contractual requirements
In accordance with School Board policy IC/ID - School Year/School Day, the School Board shall adopt the official school year calendar for the following year no later than June 1 upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. Additionally, in accordance with this policy an advisory committee composed of teachers, parents, and administrators may be convened to recommend a proposed calendar to the Superintendent.  
The Superintendent recommends that the School Board review the information on the 2022-2024 Academic Calendars.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent